The Mandate of TCF Eye Hospital
According to the National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey conducted in 2007, the prevalence of blindness in people of age ≥50 years was estimated to be 5.5 % and in ≥60 years as high as 9.3% in Nigeria. Not only does blindness hinder the quality of life but also impacts the socio-economic conditions of the family, community and the nation.
Since 1998, as part of Mission for Vision, TCF is implementing Eye Care program addressing the issue of avoidable blindness in Nigeria. TCF has a track record of providing high quality Eye Care to people irrespective of their socio – economic conditions and so far, performed more than 123,000 free eye surgeries. TCF Eye programs are the highly reliable and cost-free option for quality eye care services to the disadvantaged and remote Nigerian population. The Eye Surgeons of TCF are highly motivated, committed and experienced individuals from India and in Abuja we have many HCPs from Nigeria working for us along with specialist from India. TCF currently implements eye care program in Birnin Kebbi and Calabar performing around 6,000 free surgeries per year.
In order to address the avoidable blindness in Nigeria and build local ophthalmic capacities, TCF has put up a state-of-the-art specialty eye hospital in Kukwaba, Abuja, which was formally commissioned by His Excellency, the President of Nigeria on the 11th of July 2019. TCF Eye hospital will complete more than 3000 eye surgeries in its first year of operation in Abuja.
TCF medium term plans include increase in the bed capacity to 100 and establishment of a training institute for enhancing indigenous ophthalmic capacities across Nigeria. It is our objective to develop this eye hospital as a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in Nigeria and for the whole of West Africa.
Why Choose Us?
- We offer professional services in technical collaboration with Aravind Eye Care System (AECS), India.
- AECS, India examines over 3.8 million patients annually translating to about 10,000 patients daily. They perform over 400,000 eye surgeries annually – almost 1500 per day and they have also specialised in imparting eye care at highly subsidised prices and free for the underprivileged population.
- Our eye hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment
- All our key personnel are thoroughly trained (8-month intensive medical training) at AECS, India, .
- We offer a unique opportunity to access high quality affordable eye services and in turn cross subsidize these services to those who cannot afford.

Every Nigerian should have access to quality primary health care, safe drinking water and eye care.

Establish in partnership, high quality, sustainable and replicable models in primary health care, eye care and provision of safe drinking water in each of the 6 geo-political zones of Nigeria.
Mr. Arun Blasi
Hospital Administrator
Dr. Deepak Kumar
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Dr. Thelma Chineze Agweye
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Dr. Utam Ashibel Utam
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Dr. Henrietta Ifechukwude Monye
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Dr. Ata Anibe
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Dr. Taiwo Abiodun
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Dr. Rilwan Mohammed Chiroma
Consultant Peadiatric Ophthalmologist(visiting)
Tulsi Chanrai Foundation
Tulsi Chanrai Foundation (TCF) with the Mission to ensure healthy Nigeria has been playing an instrumental role in enhancing accessibility, affordability and effectiveness of health care services in remote areas of Nigeria. TCF thrust areas are restoring sight, providing access to primary health care and providing safe drinking water. Each thrust area is considered a mission in itself at TCF and dedicated resources and expertise is allocated www.tcfnigeria.org
Tulsi Chanrai Foundation Eye Hospital
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that globally there are 39 million blind people and another 285 million are visually impaired. Africa accounts for 15% of blindness. Almost 80% of the causes are either preventable or treatable. In Nigeria, the studies showed that 4.25 million adults aged ≥40 years have moderate or severe visual impairment or blindness. To address this scourge of avoidable blindness and building on its experience of providing 123,000+ eye surgeries already, TCF has put up a state-of-the-art eye hospital in Kukwaba, Abuja, which was formally commissioned by His Excellency, the President of Nigeria on the 11th July 2109.
The 54-bed TCF Eye hospital, in collaboration with Aravind Eye Care System, India, is operated predominantly by Nigerian ophthalmic personnel who have been trained in India. We endeavour to address the challenges of avoidable blindness such as availability, accessibility and affordability through our free outreach camps, making quality eye care services available and accessible to everyone. Through highly subsidized costs, TCF Eye Hospital services are affordable to every section of the society.
Our Goal:
- To make TCF Eye Hospital – a world class eye hospital and referral centre providing all sub specialities of eye care in Nigeria and West Africa.
- Conduct outreach camps – reach out to the under-served population, conduct thorough eye examination and provide them with high quality surgical eye care totally free of cost.
- Ensure that the TCF eye hospital
- To provide cutting edge medical and surgical eyecare to the more fortunate thus reducing the need to travel overseas to access eye care services (reverse medical tourism).
- To establish as a premier training institute in Nigeria for developing high quality skilled ophthalmic personnel.